Utilising our Easydrill mini HDD rig and DCI tracking system we recently completed a 55m long installation of 2 x 25mm MDPE blue water pipe.
The mts Perforator PBA150 & tooling was recently taken on hire by our customer c/w engineer to install a total of 67m of DN450
Great write up of the Tric M50 rope bursting system in the latest Trenchless Works
Another 15 no. Essig Venturi Pneumatic Water Pumps Sold & on there way to Australia.
Utilising our Easydrill mini HDD rig and DCI tracking system we recently completed 2 x 15m shots of 160mm SDR17. The project was for the new Tesla charging site on the Burtonwood services, Warrington, working from the surface or from a 2.5m pit the Easydrill is ideal where working space is limited.
Hire project completed that involved installing various DN225 clay jacking pipe using our mts perforator PVA85 system
The EasyDrill FD10G mini horizontal directional drill is preferred by drillers for installing underground services
Trenchless Sales UK is your specialist in servicing & repairs for all Impact Mole manufacturers
Trenchless Sales UK offers an extensive range of used trenchless equipment
Trenchless Solutions Ltd have seen an increase in work load from home and commercial developers. We are often asked if it is possible to make connections into existing manholes, the answer is YES.